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CBC | World News
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    The first witness in Donald Trump's criminal hush money trial, former National Enquirer publisher David Pecker, testified on Tuesday that he used his supermarket tabloid to suppress stories that might have hurt Trump's 2016 presidential bid.

  2. 'Abdullatif

    When word came over the weekend that Israel's closest ally, the United States, reportedly plans to hold members of an Israeli military battalion accountable for violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, rights groups saw it as progress.

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    The U.S. Justice Department announced a $138.7-million US settlement Tuesday with more than 100 people who accused the FBI of grossly mishandling allegations of sexual assault against Larry Nassar in 2015 and 2016.

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    Elon Musk lashed out at Australia's prime minister on Tuesday after a court ordered his social media company X to take down footage of an alleged terrorist attack in Sydney, and said the ruling meant any country could control "the entire internet."

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    It's the first image by the Princess of Wales the palace has distributed since news organizations withdrew a photo edited by Catherine over concerns about digital manipulation. 


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